In this week’s Sunday Healing Circle we will focus on Ascension Forecasting including:

  • Providing some timescales on what to expect regarding physical improvements and healing
  • What actually occurs at the biological level on reaching CC29
  • Approximately timescales for more mental and emotional healing
  • Handling expectations and attachments to desired outcomes
  • Cultivating the attitude of “take what resonates and leave the rest” re ascension
  • And lastly Source has guided us to create a special 10 minute healing session for a group in need…

If you have not yet joined, find out more about our Ascension Portal here

What People Are Saying

Sharing some blessings experienced since beginning this phase of my ascension journey.1. Photophobia (light sensitivity) healed. 2. Body temperature regulation greatly improved.3. Cystic acne greatly improved (diet, gut healing and hormone balancing etc played an important role) 4. On-going back pain issues have stopped. 5. In my new timeline, for the first time in 10yrs I have quiet and considerate neighbours on all sides/in all directions. No more lost sleep. 6. In Oct I sold my first photograph, having had zero sales from a new stock photography account during the past 12 months. 7. Sensitivity to cacao has stopped. Now able to enjoy a vegan hot chocolate drink. Before, I got severe stomach pain with cacao. 8. I’m dreaming again/remembering nocturnal dreams. It’s been over a decade since I dreamt regularly. 9 I have transmuted long held suppressed grief linked to a former romantic relationship. I worked extensively on healing this and it eliminated the pain in my hands and greatly reduced the dystonia in my hands.10. My shopping angel is helping me find both planned and unplanned purchases at reduced price. I’m finding great deals, sales and my bank funds seem to stretch further. I feel greater trust around the flow of money. Whatever the ’causes’ behind these blessings, I’m just grateful and enjoying them. 

I hope to see you all on Sunday!

