Masters Assessment

Masters Assessment

Hi!​ We are discovering something very important in the Portal that will be discussed in tomorrow’s healing ceremony. As people ascend and expand energetically, any remaining psycho-emotional imbalances will also intensify. This means that our thoughts, beliefs and...


Hi!​ We have an important healing ceremony tomorrow on Judgment. Judging or condemning ourselves or others is something we all do to some degree or another, and yet it is a vice, which means it is also a form of energy stealing, however mild it might be. Having the...


Hi!​ We have a profound healing ceremony on the topic of “Giving” tomorrow.  When you give to someone else in ways that nurture them, such as cooking a meal with love, helping someone heal or relax, you are really  sending them BG3 energy – God Force energy, or...


 Hi!​ We are excited to announce the FINAL video 7 of the NEW Ascension teachings is now up and available for current Portal members to review. This is a very important video. Current Portal members should also be aware, video 1 has also been updated. We discuss the...