Welcome to this week’s healing ceremony on Eternal Nature.

Following up on the great response to the announcement last week of our October 2024 retreats planned at Skye Lodge, these are  now provisionally booked out already and we will be sharing the next steps for registrants.

We also have an important announcement about a new supplier to replace the BG3 stands from Dr Ibrahim Karim and Robert Gilbert, (as many know, these products turned out to be very difficult to order).

We have also updated the MiHealth Guidance Document for miHealth owners, so that owners can use their MiHealths effectively after completing a NES scan weekly.

In our discussion about Eternal Nature this week, we will discuss the possibility of Armageddon on Earth and some of the amazing crop circles that have messages for humanity – including from the Guardian Alliance!


Healing Ceremony 24th August 2024


In this week’s Healing Ceremony called Eternal Nature we will cover:

  • Announcements: Status of October 2024 Retreat booking, details of the wait list and the next steps for current registrants. Details about great feedback and suggestions we received for retreats from portal members
  • MiHealth Guidance Document – announcement about the updates made to this document so that everyone can complete NES scans weekly and use their miHealths effectively
  • New Products Announcement – to replace the BG3 strands which turned out to be very difficult to order.
  • Eternal Nature – discussion about how to handle the possibility of Armageddon on Earth and the amazing messages in crop circles from the Guardian Alliance
  • A deep dive soothing new meditation called Nature
  • And much more!

If you would like to join our weekly Healing Ceremonies, you can find out more about joining our private membership portal called The Ascension Portal at www.NikiSkye.com.

What Members Are Saying

Thank you Niki and Christine and Jeff for all your commitment, support, energy and natural warmth.I am enjoying being a member of the Ascension portal and what an enormous anchor it has been in my life the past few years. It’s been pivotal in contributing to my emotional and spiritual growth. And supported me, no doubt on my health and healing journey.  The Skye Lodge looks amazing!!! And the forest- Mountain surrounds. I would love to go there sometime..for sure. With enormous gratitude


This has blown my mind. I don’t think I’m in that first wave of 5% ready but am so excited to see and hear what unfolds. And I was thinking how it benefits everyone in the portal and beyond. Each retreat and the profound opportunity to work in this sacred space and with the Arcturians. one of my souls is Arcturian. Word coming up for me is coming home. Brings me to tears. Thank you Niki for being an awesome courageous vibrant funny playful authentic reverent loving graceful honest beautiful flame bearer. In years to come we might just all be hanging out in Skye Lodge in a deep space filled with laughter and love and grace figuring out our next moves of service. Blessings to all. And a shout out and hug to Christine and Jeff. What an adventure.


Just sending much gratitude and appreciation the Sky Lodge is amazing the time and effort in collaboration with Source and the auctourians fills my heart with Joy the pricing is inclusive and fantastic well done to Nikigr Christine and Jeff !!


Hi Niki, Jeff and Christine. What wonderful space you have created for all of us. I can’t wait to visit. Looking forward to spending time in this sacred space and healing to reach our highest potential. Love it
Hello. What a beautiful and amazing  creation Skye Lodge is. Thank you so much for all your hard work.
Thank you Niki for sharing pictures and information about Skye Lodge.  It is really looking amazing nestled in the wilderness with the visiting deer!  I am excited thinking about visiting Skye Lodge whenever that happens.
It was so wonderful to have the tour and to see the sacred space that all of you have created at Skye Lodge. Well done. Fabulous job – attention to every detail is what contributes to the sacredness.
Hooray for Sky Lodge; hooray for the Arcturians; Hooray for Niki, Christine, Jeff and all those involved in this exciting project … especially Source. I have always wondered how
Niki manages to prepare and put out such a lot of compelling information every week. I’m completely flummoxed as to how Sky Lodge has come together at the same time! So many congratulations. The thoughtfulness put into every detail is heart-warming. The colour, the pottery, the different types of accommodation … what a team!


I am looking forward to meeting portal members in person! What a gift it will be to speak freely on lots of topics without feeling like I’m crazy.
The Lodge looks lovely, I’ve been to this area (Angel Fire) and it’s pretty spectacular for sure, a special part of world.
I  wanted to add what a wonderful space you have all created. I can just feel how much love and healing has gone in to the design and the ambience that it surely has to be a joy to behold. I know for sure that I won’t be in the first wave of souls to visit as just not ready yet but I can’t wait to share the joy others will have from just being there. Thank you Niki, Christine and Jeff and a super thank you to the wonderful Milo (cat). Big hugs and so much love to you all. May your first October retreat be a resounding success
What an amazing place you have created! I especially love the vibrant colors of the talavera pottery. Can’t wait to be there in person. By the way, I’m a yurt girl! Thanks for all your hard work to make it happen.

Hope to see you all on Saturday!

