In tomorrow’s healing ceremony we will cover a theme that has been arising more frequently within the Portal and the coaching team as we near completion of our ascension and awakening path:  experiencing the consequences of thinking we knew “what’s what,” when in reality we were clueless!

We have discussed the theme of humility before, but now more than ever, some of us will feel like we “got our ass handed to us” by the Ascension process!

We’ll discuss the 8 most common pitfalls currently causing people to experience avoidable consequences from not taking heed of the core ascension teachings.

Niki will also share some experiences working with Source directly on completing the first major project with Source – the launch of Skye Lodge Retreats.

We will also address more Live Q and A questions and we have a beautiful new flute-based meditation called Tibetan Flute II.

Look forward to seeing you all there!

Healing Ceremony 21st September 2024


In this week’s Healing Ceremony called Q and A we will cover:

  • Announcements – Skye Lodge updates, a note about caffeine
  • The 8 Most Common Pitfalls Affecting the Portal –  we are aiming to help you avoid “having your ass handed to you” by the Ascension Process by highlighting the most common areas people thought they knew “what’s what” and then experienced avoidable consequences due to lack of humility
  • Q and A – answering your questions posted in the Member’s  Forum
  • A beautiful meditation called Tibetan Flute II
  • And much more!

If you would like to join our weekly Healing Ceremonies, you can find out more about joining our private membership portal called The Ascension Portal at

What Members Are Saying

Hi all, I want to share and I also want to ask others to share, if they have similar experiences. Since about a month I feel almost constantly (or I can get there easily at will) an underlying sense of peace, stillness, equanimity or simply beingness. I call this state “Eckhard Tolle Experience”. 8 years ago I was constantly listening to him 1-3 hours per day. He was talking about stillness, beingness, spacessness. Back then those words were mental constructs for me. And I wanted badly to experience it myself. I tried very hard, did his meditations, practiced to feel my inner body. But it felt as if I was looking at fingers pointing to the moon, but didn’t see the moon itself.

Since about a month I feel this beingness inside. I feel the “doingness” too. And I can easily get lost in doingness during the day. But it’s easy to get to the state of beingness. Even at this moment I feel it in the background. I understand now what Eckhard Tolle speaks about. And yes, this state ist best described with his words: stillness, beingness, vastness…

Of course it’s ascension related. But I ask myself if something has triggered this feeling. Is this a sign of healing psychosis, is this a side effect of taking Lithium, have I integrated yet another strand, maybe 24th. I would like to hear from other portal members if you experience something similar lately. Thank you for reading and thanks for your fellowship on this ascension journey


My experience is almost identical to yours. I studied with Eckhart for years and years and no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t do what he was talking about. On August 25 I had a spiritual experience and I have an entity that hangs out with me quite a bit. I think it’s Source. That’s what we tested. Everything‘s shifted and there is definitely an inner stillness that I could never feel before. Of that I’m sure. Thanks for sharing your experience! It’s probably spiritual growth, and an increased oneness with Source.


Yes, I am having short glimpses of a very peaceful, calm, stillness recently. It feels amazing and reassures me that I’m still on the right path despite also having more intense feelings that are still coming up for me to witness. Returning to Source is definitely a rollercoaster ride before we reach a more balanced, tranquil consciousness. Thank you for sharing your experience.

Hope to see you all on Saturday!

