
We have an important healing ceremony tomorrow on Judgment.

Judging or condemning ourselves or others is something we all do to some degree or another, and yet it is a vice, which means it is also a form of energy stealing, however mild it might be.

Having the steps to understand how to release our judgment of self and others and move into forgiveness is a crucial part of Ascension work.

So tomorrow we will share the 12 Steps to transforming Judgment into Forgiveness and dedicate the rest of the Healing Ceremony to Live Q and A questions and covering Portal Indexes.. 

Healing Ceremony 8th June 2024


In this week’s Healing Ceremony called Judgment we will cover:

    • Announcements – Niki will share some geometry based art which is 100% LLTW, and other important news
    • Understanding Judgment – common myths and incorrect assumptions about dealing with judgment and the concept of “projection”
    • 12 Steps to Transforming Judgment into Forgiveness – tools to release judgment direct from Source
    • Live Q and A – we will continue to reply to questions portal members have submitted in the Member’s Forum.
    • Portal Indexes – we we assess overall Portal progress as we have been doing once per month
    • Experience a melodious healing meditation called Ambiance
    • And much more!

If you would like to join our weekly Healing Ceremonies, you can find out more about joining our private membership portal called The Ascension Portal at www.NikiSkye.com.


What Members Are Saying   

Although I know how amazing this portal and the work we are doing is, it still has the capacity to astound me. As so frequently happens somethings starts to shift or a challenge arises and then that weekend lo and behold the healing ceremony is on that exact topic. (Makes even more sense now after the information Niki shared about the source codes that get downloaded alongside each topic.)  Well that is what happened this weekend, as in my meditation on Saturday morning I felt this amazing sense of gratitude towards my Mum and I just knew I need to be more giving towards her – not from a place of ‘shoulds’ but from a place of love and gratitude and then comes the giving healing ceremony! 
Then just this morning, I felt the urge to share and thank a friend for a comment she had made that had been so supportive. I have never really grasped the concept of grace, but as I sent the message, I heard a voice saying that is grace. Astounded! Thank you Niki  and everyone in this portal for the work you all do, as the field we are co-creating is powerful 

Hope to see you all on Saturday!

