
As Niki is travelling back to Skye Lodge in the USA (finally) over the weekend, so this week’s healing ceremony is pre-recorded, and not to be missed.

The Saturday Zoom call with Christine and Jeff is taking place live, as usual.

As well as important announcements about an update to the Masters Assessment, details about important upcoming healing ceremonies, feedback from Source about last week’s group meditation called Tibetan Singing Bowls, confirmation about the one to one session booking process and the miHealth device, we also addressed over 30 fascinating and important questions posted in the Forum from Portal members.

And example of the questions discussed are:

  • What is the difference between Source, Sophia, All That Is and God Force Energy?
  • Understanding the implications that as we ascend, we can still pick up karma from activities like eating food from farmed animals that have suffered – we you need to know
  • How does having psychosis affect pendulum testing?
  • How to deepen knowledge of the concept of “merged souls”
  • If you weren’t originally tested in a soul reading report for whether you had a fallen angelic, non-angelic or avatar soul – how can you find out?
  • Why are the Anunnaki known as reptilians if they look like humans?
  • And more!

I look forward to connecting with you in the session which will be made available on Saturday morning with the gorgeous new solfeggio meditation called Solfeggio 639Hz & 852Hz

Healing Ceremony 27th July 2024

In this week’s Healing Ceremony called Live Q and A we will cover:

      • Announcements – further updates on the miHealth device, booking one to one sessions, details on upcoming healing ceremonies, update to the Masters Assessment, and more
      • Meditation Last Week – feedback and more guidance about last week’s meditation called Tibetan Singing Bells
      • Live Q and A – Over 30 questions addressed from Portal members who posted in the Member’s Forum
      • Experience a gorgeous calming  meditation called Solfeggio 639Hz and 852Hz 
      • And much more!

If you would like to join our weekly Healing Ceremonies, you can find out more about joining our private membership portal called The Ascension Portal at www.NikiSkye.com.


What Members Are Saying   

I had been working at clearing my childhood trauma for many years and I had done a good job.  Then I began membership of the Ascension Portal as I had previously been in Niki’s healing circle to support my chronic health conditions. It was a revelation in many ways.  The meditations and healing circle trainings soon showed me traits I no longer wanted to express and I was able to clear lingering habits and negative beliefs with relative ease.  I became calmer and more at peace with myself; more able to express myself with authenticity.
The training contained information I had never been exposed to previously and I am really grateful that my horizons have been widened and my eyes opened to a better understanding of the world in general.  We have always been encouraged to discern the truth of what we are being taught, whether by Niki or by other sources, and I really appreciate this encouragement toward self-guidance rather than the assumption some teachers make, that everything they say must be believed and adhered to.  Niki guides but doesn’t force.
The wealth of information and wisdom in the Portal is vast and will keep me in reading material for a long time to come.  I am grateful to have been a part of this group and to have been able to share these experiences with other beautiful souls.


Hope to see you all on Saturday!

