
We are discovering something very important in the Portal that will be discussed in tomorrow’s healing ceremony.

As people ascend and expand energetically, any remaining psycho-emotional imbalances will also intensify.

This means that our thoughts, beliefs and emotions will manifest more quickly, and so we experience “consequences” more quickly – positive or negative.

It’s crunch time – this is where the rubber hits the road!

We must face any imbalances, release any hubris, ask for help from our Source teams and change any attitudes, beliefs, mental assumptions or actions that are out of alignment with our soul – if we don’t –  any suffering resulting from these imbalances may intensify.

Source is guiding us to address all this using the new tool: The “Masters Assessment” to help us stay on track

This is a very important Healing Ceremony and we look forward to seeing you there!

Healing Ceremony 20th July 2024


In this week’s Healing Ceremony called Masters Assessment we will cover:

      • Announcements – further updates on the miHealth device and Skye Lodge
      • Portal update – what is occurring for Portal members including an explanation as to why all the miHealth readings are increasing for the average member 
      • The Masters Assesment – expanding on the need to address the 15 Virtues, the 15 Attitudes of Mastery, the 15 Responsibilities of Mastery and the 15 Noble Traits, the 15 corruptions and the 15 vulnerabilities
      • The Femine and Masculine Traits – how psychosis and unsurrendered emotions were blockling integration of feminine and masculine traits – the importance of addressing these at this time
      • Experience a very deep dive healing meditation called Tibetan Singing Bowls
      • And much more!


If you would like to join our weekly Healing Ceremonies, you can find out more about joining our private membership portal called The Ascension Portal at www.NikiSkye.com.


What Members Are Saying   

These are the changes I’ve experienced since joining the Ascension Portal in January, 2022:  I am no longer reactive to people and situations – for the most part. Every once in a while, like every couple of months, I get triggered. This means I have a very strong feeling or impulse in reaction to someone or something. The difference now is that I recognize this shift in my consciousness immediately and I do not act out on it. I can bring myself to a place of acceptance, sometimes based on reframing the event. Most often, I can drop my old, conditioned reaction simply by remembering that I want to be at peace and feel contentment. That leads me to an acceptance of whatever transpires.

I am much more aware of things I used to close my eyes on. Thanks to Niki’s constant vigilance, I have pulled my head out of the sand and learned about the corruption, seduction and damage that was and is intentionally foisted on humans. I never wanted to hear about evil; now I can learn about it and not be blown away, fall into painful sympathy or have to descend into denial.

I cry more often. For me, crying always is a sign that my heart has opened. My wounded inner child became tough and stoic to cope. Ascension work has softened me, made it safer for me to be vulnerable. As a result, I’m even more empathic than I was before, and that is saying a lot. I cry at Truth. I cry at Beauty. I cry in Gratitude. I cry feeling the love of the Divine Mother and how blessed I am. These are tears of Joy and Thanksgiving. 

More of my time, most of my days is filled with peace and contentment. I know this is because I hew to a daily routine of meditation practice and have learned to stop resisting what is. Because peace of mind and heart is my first and foremost goal, I recognize seeds of displeasure when they begin to arise and can quickly drop any resistance that may be starting to take hold. Non-resistance allows Acceptance. Acceptance of what is and how people are is what engenders peace of mind and heart. 

I joined the Portal in January, 2022, inspired by what seemed to be remarkable changes in a long-time friend, Lorraine. Lorraine had been telling me about the work she was doing with Niki and the Portal, by way of encouraging me to become a member. While I have been on a conscious spiritual journey for 50 years, it wasn’t what she told me so much as what I observed in her, that convinced me: I wanted what she was having and I wanted to make similar remarkable changes in my behavior. It’s been 2 ½ years since then and I have never been happier or more grateful – on a continuing, day-to-day basis – than I am now. I attribute my grateful state to the amazing work available in the Portal, thanks to Niki’s courage and diligence, and to all the rest of us who bring love, light, truth and wholeness to each other and to the rest of the world.  

The “work” never ends. I’m excited about the challenges ahead and the vision of the harmonious and happy world that is coming. Thank you, all. Thank you, All That Is.


Hope to see you all on Saturday!

