Niki Skye

Spiritual Teacher & Personal Development Coach

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What People Are Saying

Nira ter Veld

Finding Niki has truly transformed my life. The self-love mediation helped me amazingly to feel the flow and release stuck emotions. Now I love having the vitality to live my life and not feel like I’m dragging through it. I cannot put into words how thankful I am for my personal journey of healing. Niki, I can’t thank you enough. With deepest gratitude!

Health Coach

Jan Clementson

I was surprised to find just how powerful her meditations were. Right from the beginning I found that they were promoting very strong emotional releases.  There were lots of tears as I listened to the meditations. My life has changed considerably since I first started working on my emotions. Thank you Niki for taking me on this incredible journey.

Functional Nutrition Practitioner

Anne Pemberton

Nicki’s emotional detox work is something else. Nicki introduced me to how to detox the emotions as they were released from cellular memory. I can honestly say this has been the best aspect of self care I have ever embarked upon. It has given me back my life in a much more meaningful way. Forever in gratitude.

Functional Health Practitioner

Courtney B

“I am beyond grateful that Niki’s work showed up in my life. It has been an answered prayer. Her teachings are so intelligent, inspiring, comprehensive, compassionate and cutting edge. She is a conductor of a symphony of knowledge, timing, precision, wisdom, compassion and intuition. I have been blown away with Niki’s intuitive skills. They have been spot on and eye opening!  It’s Phenomenal. Cheers!”

Mother of Three

Wendy Myers

Niki and her advice to help me emotionally detox has completely changed my life. Niki was able to take me to that next level to more quickly and effectively release negative energy and emotions that I felt were holding me back – not only in my personal relationships, but in my business as well. Niki is an expert and has such a depth and breadth of knowledge in emotional wellbeing that she is my go to person for the latest and most effective methods of emotional release. I highly recommend her counsel and her programs. I do her meditations and recommendations every single day without fail and they have been truly transformative.

CEO Myers Detox

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About Niki

Niki is a renowned Spiritual Teacher and Personal Development coach who inspires people to realize their full potential no matter what their personal history or circumstances.

An internationally acclaimed, award-winning functional health practitioner, speaker and summit host, Niki has spoken on over 50 online healing summits reaching over 1 million people world wide.

Niki’s vision is to create one of the world’s largest communities of empowered, spiritually awakened, heart-centered, fulfilled people inspiring global wellbeing, stability and peace.

Learn more about Niki.

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