
We will be sharing exciting practical information and insights about abundance and financial wellbeing in tomorrow’s healing ceremony.

We address the 22 most common reasons people get into financial strife.

We have important information about digital currencies and general guidance on optimal ways to invest and save at this time, direct from Source.

We also have further announcements related to Skye Lodge, current news and MiHealth devices, Q and a and a beautiful new portal meditation.

Healing Ceremony 10th August 2024


In this week’s Healing Ceremony called Plenitude we will cover:

  • Announcements: planned dates for the first official Ascension Retreats at Skye Lodge
  • News Update – addressing current issues including the rioting in the UK
  • 22 Reasons People  Get into Financial Strife – all the psycho-emotional reasons underlying poor financial decision making and how to avoid them
  • The truth about Bitcoin – fascinating information from Source about the origins of the first crypto-currency
  • Investments and savings – suggestions from Source
  • A beautiful deep dive meditation called Music of Angels (Solfeggio 432 Hz)
  • And much more!

If you would like to join our weekly Healing Ceremonies, you can find out more about joining our private membership portal called The Ascension Portal at www.NikiSkye.com.


What Members Are Saying 

While thinking about how to respond to Niki’s call for testimonials, I realize I have changed and healed profoundly, I am no longer the same person. There have been so many changes, it is difficult to pinpoint something specific, so I referred to my journal from the past 3 years for inspiration.

One particular entry was heartbreaking to read. I wrote it just one year ago, after having 2 years of healing already under my belt. It is a summary that I wrote as a submission to be on the “hot seat.” Without going into great detail, I expressed that I was up and down with my emotions, unbalanced and reactionary. I was feeling deeply sad, unworthy and ugly, and psychosis was a big part of my thought process on a daily basis. I didn’t trust Source fully and still had Karma to clear. I was shocked to read that, and it caused me cry for the person I was then. Although I didn’t ultimately sit on the infamous seat, I did continue to heal and learn through the Portal meditations and Niki’s weekly Healing Ceremonies.

One year later and what a year it has been. The most profound change I notice is, I think of the group as a part of me now. I feel more connected to humanity and Source, it’s like I can feel our collective heart beating.

Some of the things that I have noticed is about the Portal as a group, we aren’t so needy and dependent on others so much for answers and validation. We have learned to be more trusting in the process and in communication with our Source teams. We have let go of Ego responses and defensiveness. We’ve learned about the true history of planet Earth, the truth about what the Anunnaki have done to humanity. We have earned yellow wings in spiral dynamics and we have daily downloads to further improve our understanding of our connection to Source and fellow human beings. We are learning how to discern with accuracy. We continue to meditate daily and we have understanding and access to harness Sophia energy into our daily lives.

Additionally for me personally, I have let go of many negative emotions, and I am more patient with the process of completely surrendering to Source. Even though, I know I still have things to heal, most of the time, I can say, I accept myself and my human experience with gratitude. And as I breathe a heavy sigh of relief, I realize I no longer yearn for an early release from my physical body. I now go to a place of compassion more often than judgement for others and for myself. I see the good in people and trust more often than not. I am accepting of and have gratitude for my “quiet” introverted ways more than ever. I understand that I need to set boundaries and not allow people to steal my energy. I find myself yearning to help people by connecting with them deeply in my heart. I see that I don’t have to  compare myself to other people and that being my authentic true self is the best way to be in service to others. 

Another area where I have healed profoundly is with my choice to walk away from a person for whom I care deeply. I am no longer angry with her for being a plus 3 narcissist who was stealing my energy. I am no longer feeling conflicted by comparing the amazingly wonderful things I learned from her and the positive experiences we share, with the negative, energy stealing behaviors that I needed to step away from. I realize now, one year later, that it took a lot of courage for me to step away from our relationship. I have gone through the stages of grief and I was stuck in being angry for quite a long time. But in the past couple of weeks, I have come to a place of profound forgiveness. I learned a great deal from her and I recognize her service to humanity is authentic and true. She is a remarkable Anunnaki soul who is doing her best to ascend and I respect that her soul journey has not been an easy one. I am proud of her soul’s hard work and commitment to ascension. I feel honored that we are friends, even though we can’t continue to spend time together. 

I didn’t think it was possible, but I have more peace in my heart and I have hope that in another year, I will look back and say, “Wow, look how far we have come.” I am not certain what my future holds in detail, but I know that Source is helping and guiding me to prepare for change and I trust that I will step into my life fully and without fear. I am responsible for my ascension and I commit 100% to partnership with Source. Thank you and so it is.

Hope to see you all on Saturday!

