
We will be catching up this week on questions posted by members in the Q and A thread in the Members Forum by dedicating a whole Healing Ceremony to this topic.

Please note there is a NEW LINK required to log into the live Healing Ceremony. All portal members can access the new link on the Portal page HERE.

We have some news updates on Skye Lodge retreats and announcements and we will cover general Portal progress via sharing the latest indexes as tomorrow will be the first Saturday of the month.

Tomorrow’s beautiful group meditation is called Bright Future.

Look forward to seeing you all there!


Healing Ceremony 7th September 2024


In this week’s Healing Ceremony called Q and A we will cover:

  • Announcements – updates from Werner re the Home Harmonisers and other important news
  • Skye Lodge Update: Progress and updates on our October Ascension Retreats
  • Portal Indexes – as it is the first Saturday of the month we will cover general portal progress
  • Q and A – answering your questions posted in the Member’s  Forum
  • A beautiful meditation called Bright Future
  • And much more!

If you would like to join our weekly Healing Ceremonies, you can find out more about joining our private membership portal called The Ascension Portal at www.NikiSkye.com.


What Members Are Saying



I had my Hot Seat 1 month ago and a Divine Masculine / Feminine reading a few weeks after: in both I gained SO much clarity that it was time to end my romantic relationship of 5 years. But there was something about my abandonment / neglect trauma getting massively triggered whenever I even throughout about breaking up with my boyfriend. I started to ask Source directly, “How am I supposed to do this? How can I break up with him in a way that won’t feel / be so awful?” … and about a week later, something happened that made it absolutely crystal clear to me that it was time to end the relationship sooner than later, but I still felt trapped and emotionally overwhelmed when I thought about how I cold do it. At that point, I changed the question to “Source, I need help in ending this relationship.”   Two days after I started asking for help in ending the relationship, my boyfriend approached me and initiated a peaceful, gentle, heartfelt breakup. It was he who suggested it was time for use to just be friends, that the incident that had happened made it clear to him that it was time to transition to being friends. I was shocked — I could hardly believe it was happening! I had been so worried about how much it would hurt him and how much he would feel abandoned and so on — I never imagined that he could come to the same conclusion as I that it was time for us to end things.  It was … easy!  I think this was the first time I really, explicitly (and authentically?) asked Source for help. I have done some of the commands from the portal and somehow this new experience felt so different, and really opened up a connection to Source that I had never felt before. Very very exciting!!! … so cool how this beautiful connection to source is so relevant to literally every aspect of life.  I’m feeling so grateful for this community and this work! Thank you everyone.

Hope to see you all on Saturday!

