In this very special Healing Ceremony, participants in our second ever Ascension Retreat will once again share their extraordinary experiences.

Miracles occurred during the week, spontaneous healings and at least 10 in the group had full Samadhi experiences. Not to be missed!

We will also discuss the impact that the retreats are having on the rest of the Portal and provide help and guidance to navigate the intensification of the energy.

We have a gorgeous topical new meditation called Sophia.

Healing Ceremony 26th October 2024

In this week’s Healing Ceremony called Samadhi we will cover:

  • Announcements – some important updates for Portal members
  • Sophia  –  a short overview from Niki on what occurred this week with photographs
  • Interviews with attendees – attendees share their experiences
  • A beautiful meditation called Sophia
  • And much more!

If you would like to join our weekly Healing Ceremonies, you can find out more about joining our private membership portal called The Ascension Portal at

What Members Are Saying

I was very moved by the experiences at the retreat.  After that on yesterdays meditation in the very early morning , I think I also had an experience.  A glimpse into another universe or just my imagination? Usually I have trouble visualizing.  At the start of my meditation, I had a thought “I am close to a samadhi experience.”  Then off I want to another universe in my mind.  Another place where there were thousands of other “suns”. I sat at the center of one of the suns unharmed inside a giant lotus flower that served to protect me or let me rest inside if need be.  The petals would close over me to guard me. Then there was a mandala like structure with strings all around me.  I was at the center if this mandala.  The mandala was made of harp strings that tiny beings probably angels were playing music. There was honey there if I needed nourishment.there were Eyes floating out around me watching and guarding. I was far away from home.  Earth that is but not scared or lonely.  Rather blissful time for me. I thought I must be in another galaxy.  I got perspective on all the trials and tribulations of time on earth and they all seemed petty.  I have never “gone” anywhere like this Shem meditating.  This was during one of the high frequency ascension musical pieces.   I finally felt more connected to the portal.  I believe I am on the spectrum and communication is a challenge.  Verbal communication usually.  Then today you said usually people who are psychic gets samadhi visions.  I have been told by a psychic that I am “very psychic”.


I’ve been having vivid, memorable and meaningful dreams. It’s been 30 years since I had such experiences. They have each translated as 1) my having cleared old issues; eg I had a ‘normal’ conversation with my Mother (something that didn’t happen when she was alive) and 2) I was able to explain to her, really easily, why her attitude to me wasn’t acceptable and 3) a dream where my shoes had been stolen and I knew who had stolen them, so asked him for them back. He was giving me a wry smile and about to speak when I was woken up by a noise. However, it felt like the lack of shoes was about my inability to walk without aids. The asking for them back was like asking if I could please be allowed to walk again. I didn’t get a definite ‘yes’ but I did feel very hopeful.
All these dreams have been far more complex and powerful than I have the ability to express here but their messages have left me feeling clearer and more confident. Another effect of the ascension process lately has been that I get simple intuitions that prove right, even when I’ve questioned their validity in my mind. I always go with them anyway and, hey presto! I’m spot on. Thank you Sophia or whatever Divine energy is responsible for helping me.


With the first retreat, I mentioned that it felt quite holy and sacred. Like our destiny to embody Divine Love and help humanity ascend was coming into its fulfillment with these retreats. I cried with the joy of that with most of my meditations that week. This morning I had quite a different meditation than I have experienced before. It sounds a bit cliche but I had a feeling of profound bliss and joy. I felt it in my body as an expansion of my energy within my body, especially in my chest/heart. I just wanted to stay in that state, and it was so easily accessible. I heard (not as a voice but a ‘knowing’ kind of hearing) the numbers – 12, 13, 14 (as in dimensions accessed ??). In that joyful blissful feeling, I also heard the word ‘key.’ When I went on to do my Field Clearance I also heard how it was helping and stabilizing…things we know but it was as if source Team was sending me those words. Lovely. Excited to meditate tomorrow. And to hear how things are going with the second group. Many blessings to our second group….to us all.

Hope to see you all on Saturday!

