
We are sharing some very interesting information, confirmed by Source this week about the real truth behind the “Black Sun.”

Is the Black Sun just a symbol, or is it a real star in our galaxy? Is it synthetic or organic? Is there a link between masonic lodges, the Swastika symbol and the “All-Seeing-Eye” depicted on the back of every one dollar US bill and the Black Sun?

And importantly, is the Black Sun affecting human behavior?

Not to be missed! 

We will have a short Skye Lodge update, answer more of the Live Q and A questions posted in the Member’s Forum and we have a beautiful new relaxing meditation called Deep Healing.

Look forward to seeing you all there!

Healing Ceremony 14th September 2024


In this week’s Healing Ceremony called Q and A we will cover:

  • Announcements – Skye Lodge updates
  • The Black Sun – the truth Source wants us to know, and how it links to the Masters Assessment
  • Q and A – answering your questions posted in the Member’s  Forum
  • A beautiful meditation called Deep Healing
  • And much more!

If you would like to join our weekly Healing Ceremonies, you can find out more about joining our private membership portal called The Ascension Portal at www.NikiSkye.com.

What Members Are Saying

I will say that having worked with the [other Ascension School] trainings for the past 2 years prior to joining Niki’s Ascension portal, I had some pleasant experiences and thought it was doing a lot for my ascension, but once I joined this portal I have experienced MASSIVE shifts and changes that have blown everything else I’ve done away.

I’ve come up with a hypothesis that perhaps some of the work coming out from [Ascension schools] of late is almost more pacifying (and in fact potentially delays progress) than actually being ascension-oriented, almost akin to the spiritual bypassing I experienced while living at an ashram — doing the practices to calm my nervous system but effectively pushing away or distracting myself from the need to really dig in and heal collective and individual trauma (??). I had no awareness that I had my own trauma to attend to and resolve before I joined this ascension portal … and as soon as I was given that awareness, SOOO much began to shift for me — it has been an intense journey since I joined in April ’24.

I was very attracted to the level of intellectualism in [this other school’s] work and there was a part of me that really resonated with it (which maybe was a distraction from really doing self-work?).  Thank you for providing the fast track to ascension! What a wild ride it’s been in just 5 months …

Hope to see you all on Saturday!

