
Over the last few weeks in the Sunday Healing Circle, Niki gave the “big picture” on the remarkable work we are doing in the Ascension Portal and what will be happening in the next several years. Over the coming months she will fill in the details, this week covering:

  • Understanding what the dimensions are, how they relate to ascension and soul readings
  • How most of the Advanced Group have now reached CC452 which entails completion of the 9th DNA layer activation and the implications
  • Why the “law of attraction” acts as a prison for most people, and how the work we are doing in the Ascension portal overcomes this
  • A beautiful group meditation using the latest Surrender meditation
  • Humanity and Ascension Portal progress update
  • And much more!

If you have not already joined the Ascension Portal, find out more here.


What People Are Saying

I have been limiting my time online for a few months and wanted to share the changes I have felt. In December 2021 I went through what I understand to be a huge mental stress detox, high levels of anxiety, experienced energy stealing, self-judgement and self-hatred for mistakes I made etc. Over the summer I also posted the challenges I have had in my marriage and was met with much love and support, thank you. Until December I was set on working out my marriage, helping my husband awaken, heal and he denied and resisted every step of the way.  Mid-December something shifted and my intuition was telling me my work was done and to move on.  In the past I have tried to leave and always allowed the love bombing, guilt, blaming, shaming to keep me in the relationship and this time it felt different, it felt right. It has been a huge challenge with a 4 year old and not really having a plan of where to go (he doesn’t have anywhere to stay other than our family home). I took the initiative and moved to my sister’s basement this weekend, pieced together our things, have a temporary kitchen situation and feel confident to keep moving forwards with the separation paperwork.  Even with all the work I did in the years past, I always felt too scared to make this step, too doubtful. I believe the healing and growth with ascension has allowed me to finally take this step forward and also a feeling of surrender. I sobbed and cried when I listened to this week’s replay and Niki mentioning the surrender. I am currently unemployed, working on building up my online business and somehow I feel so supported and certain, even with all the uncertainty.


I joined the portal last week. It felt so inherently right. YET I was skeptical of what I would learn. I was wondering what my guidance team were up to, to be honest. What am I going to learn that I couldn’t learn from all my current sources and teachers… I love continuously learning, but do I really need to make more financial investments right now? I’d spent a decent chunk recently on a course. Is this in line with where I am right now? I like to jump into things with both feet – can I commit to weekly sessions? The daily mediations will just add to my current practices – so there’s that as a plus. My mind waffled on – literally as I signed up. Well, let me tell you! I made more progress with healing my own traumas during todays mediation than I have with years of other methods. This portal is a gift. The last two weeks resonated deeply. It’s the most meaningful work I’ve done. The trainings and resources you have made available here (in one place no less!!) are lessons it’s taken me years to learn on my own journey. And even still, many of the gaps in my knowledge have been filled seamlessly. And the tools you’ve provided for our ascension!! Well, brilliant isn’t a powerful enough word. Powerful is though (thanks source haha!). The tools and lessons are SO powerful! Of course my own guidance team were already love & light, right?! Well that was an eye opener. After the command I physically felt at least one move away. That was a big take away for me as I work as an intuitive reader, energy healer, teacher etc! I even work as a medium which led me down a whole other train of thought – of all the people in this field (not on this portal), who’s actually contacting who?!.. and who have I been contacting! Ehh?! Not once had it ever occurred to me to be questioning the sources of information. Mind blown over that lesson. Anyway, a big thank you for bringing this to us Niki. It is a huge privilege to be part of such a positive group of souls.



I think it’s about time I share my beautiful ascension journey. I struggled with PTSD for years, due to living in a dark and abusive environment with my partner who was struggling with alcoholism. I lost my career, my health, and all my money during that time and had to file for bankruptcy. I didn’t want to live anymore and was initially misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder. I found out I had been misdiagnosed and had actually been suffering from PTSD the entire time. By the time I started with the healing circle in September of 2020, my life had begun to turn around. The emotional healing I experienced in our group meditations however was incredibly profound. I quickly began experiencing miracle after miracle and even got my mom on board. I reconnected with my partner, who in the months that we were separated, hit rock bottom and decided to get sober. He turned his life around and is a completely different person now that he no longer drinks. I can’t help but feel that even though he is not a part of the healing circle that our souls are somehow intertwined and my healing somehow affected him even though we were not in contact for most of 2020. We are now married, deeply in love, spend most of our time laughing, and have an incredible connection in every single way. We are also expecting our baby boy this coming May (girl, you were NOT joking when you said ascension would increase fertility!). Beyond the excitement of becoming a mom, my career – which was once a source of shame – has now blown up in the best way possible. I landed my dream job as a news writer for a well-established publication. I love what I do and the financial independence I now have feels so freeing. When I look back to what my life looked like a few years ago, it feels as if I have the memories of a totally different person. I have completely and truly healed from the trauma that once affected my every waking moment. At the height of my PTSD, I couldn’t even walk out the door and wanted nothing more than to die. Now, I constantly feel an undercurrent of peace and trust, no matter what is happening around me. I’m a couple months away from becoming a mom, I have the sweetest husband who is my perfect match in every way, a beautiful relationship with my family, and I get paid to do what I love! My life is amazing – I am so at peace and so deeply grateful for my past, in love with my life and everyone in it, and so eager and excited for my beautiful future! Thank you so much for your guidance and see you on Sunday!

Hope to see you all on Sunday!

