In tomorrow’s healing ceremony we will be interviewing a Portal member who went through their enlightenment over the Christmas period, and discovered they were the Egyptian Pharaoh Arkhenarten in a past life!

In this Healing Ceremony we will also discuss how many of the enlightened beings and ascended Masters of the past are all back here on Earth at this time including Jeshua, Buddha and Lakshmi just to name a few – all to support the Great Awakening of humanity.

We also have one important announcement for Portal members experiencing detox reactions,

We have a soothing relaxing new meditation called Nebula.

We look forward to seeing you there!.

You can find out more about joining our private membership portal called The Ascension Portal at

What Members Are Saying 


Just now in meditation I went very high! This experience was very profound more so than previous meditation, I became limitless energy, out of my body form and ascended at the speed of light through time and space travelling through different, pockets , strobes and energy vortexes of light different spectrums of light and some blue, I kept going up and up and and one point thought were am I going? But released the mind and thought and let go

I heard the word – 7 snakes. Also – Omni TrioI came into a stage of brilliant white light which felt like a destination point of universal intelligence but it was not of form or person, a energy vortex of white light that was a center point of some sort either source or Sophia, this energy then started to radiate and integrate into me and feeling this completely pure and wonderful energy throughout by body

It took me a long time to come back into my body, I had to keep moving my fingers and toes to bring myself back in when coming round.. very wonderful and profound Indeed

Hope to see you all on Saturday!

