Earth Expansion

Earth Expansion

Welcome! We have a fun and interesting Healing Ceremony this week about the fact planet Earth is actually physically expanding as it ascends. Now there is amazing evidence available that shows the sacred dodecahedron shape is physically appearing on Earth’s surface!...
The Rosicrucians

The Rosicrucians

 Hi!​ Welcome to the topic of this week’s healing ceremony. We will be completing our work on the Knight Templars sharing more mysterious visual evidence of the fact the Templars were secretly practicing ascension rites of passage in Portugal and elsewhere during...
The Knights Templar

The Knights Templar

 Hi!​ Welcome!  In tomorrow’s Healing Ceremony Niki will share her experience of integration with the 24th DNA strand, the overall ascension progress of the current portal membership and final secrets on how to significantly increase your pendulum accuracy. We will...


 Hi!​ Welcome! We have an UNMISSABLE Healing Ceremony tomorrow on the topic of Egypt and the ancient Egyptian mysterious schools that provide the foundation for our current Ascension Portal teachings. Source led us to a documentary series that is currently being...


 Hi!​ Stunning discoveries from our pendulum testing continue this week! This week we will share a further update related to the Gobekli Tepe archaeological site in Turkey, amazing information about the function of the ancient mounds found in the US and UK…and...