
We have a profound healing ceremony on the topic of “Giving” tomorrow. 

When you give to someone else in ways that nurture them, such as cooking a meal with love, helping someone heal or relax, you are really  sending them BG3 energy – God Force energy, or Sophia energy.

As the Sacred Geometry healing ceremonies explained, God Force energy has many benefits including making seeds, plants and animal livestock grow faster and healthier, and enhancing physical and emotional healing in humans just to name a few. 

This deeper awareness of Sophia Energy shines a new light on the importance of social relationships to each of our psycho-emotional and physical bodies.

We will look at 8 Reasons People Stop Giving, why this is so, and understand the true impact this has on us and how to rebalance.

We are also going to share that we have discovered 7 Hidden Secrets about the miHealth Device that even Peter Fraser who co-developed it would not have known about and how this links to the Ascension Portal progress. Not to be missed!

We will also aim to cover 30 minutes of Live Q and A as well as our usual 30 minute group meditation with a new deep healing meditation called Symmetry.

Healing Ceremony 1st June 2024


In this week’s Healing Ceremony called Giving we will cover:

    • Announcements – even greater understanding of the Type 3 “Bubble” subtype, help for people who feel they have not yet achieved the healing goals they set out with when joining the Portal
    • The Role of Giving in Human Relations – a deeper understanding from the new perspective of Sacred Geometry and God Force/Sophia Energy about social relationships and how they impact us
    • 8 Reasons People Stop Giving – understanding why people stop giving to others, how it impacts other people, and how to address imbalances
    • 7 Hidden Secrets about the MiHealth Device – people will be surprised
    • Live Q and A – we intend to have at least 30 minutes of responding to questions from the Live Q and A thread in the Member’s Forum
    • Experience a deep healing meditation called Symmetry
    • And much more!

If you would like to join our weekly Healing Ceremonies, you can find out more about joining our private membership portal called The Ascension Portal at www.NikiSkye.com.


What Members Are Saying   

Amazing breakthrough for me today during the healing circle meditation.  I want to preface this experience with a revelation that was given to me several weeks ago – it was shared with me that when I was maybe in second grade or thereabouts, my mom took me to a local swimming pool so that I could learn to swim – she had never learned and thus took me to an instructor.  This information just dropped in that I never learned to swim because I thought that the swim teacher and my mother were trying to drown me.  My reaction at the time of this information being given to me was “that’s interesting”.  I’ve remained curious since receiving that bit of information and today just had the intention to be open to the emotional release process.  So funny – I was not expecting anything!  Then BOOM – that memory came flooding in FULL COLOR.  That was the set up for how my life was going to operate – constant struggle – trusting no one – fear – powerlessness, etc.  After complete emotional breakdown I saw that my mother and the instructor were simply trying to help me.  I then connected the dots — when I was around 6 years old, my father beat me for wandering off.  I never recovered from that experience.  The week after the incident I was sent home from school every day because I was sick.  Each day my mother would think I was fine and send me off again,  On some deep level, I knew that my father did not like me.  I would eventually come to realize (recently) that he was an alcoholic, pathological narcissist. What a SETUP this was.  Trouble speaking my truth let alone speaking at all – thyroid removed early twenties and struggles ever since as a result.  Never able to attract the people that I wanted in my life.  Financial abundance issues – I would come up with wonderful plans and became paralyzed when it came time to execute.  It was all there – health struggles, financial struggles, relationship struggles.  My life was trying to drown me. WOW!!!!!


Hope to see you all on Saturday!

