
In this week’s healing circle Niki will continue to “fill in the details” on the ascension journey, this week covering:

  • Full updated review and discussion of the DNA activation codes with corresponding Merkabah levels and implications for physical, mental, emotional and energetic healing and awakening
  • Progress report on the Spiritual Entrepreneurship Group
  • Why meditation is so important and why those who don’t go within go without
  • Beautiful new group meditation called Awakening
  • Ascension portal progress update
  • Update on progress of ascension for humanity
  • And much more!

If you have not already joined the Ascension Portal, find out more here.


What People Are Saying

I have been sober and abstinent from alcoholism for decades but still plagued with other addictions and compulsive behaviors. It felt as if I had a tiger in a cage that I had to attend to and keep locked up but it would always get out and wreak havoc in my life. Since I joined the Portal, I have been healed of all my addictions. My compulsive behaviors have become practically nonexistent and whole new world has opened up before me.


Tonight is the eve of me starting a new job, which I put down to the changes in me since starting to join your group!  I was selling new homes for a living, which I had done since 2004.  It can be very stressful and I drank quite a lot, on most days. I received a text from a fellow book club member for some information and she asked how I was. I let her know I’d passed Prince2 Practitioner exam but hadn’t succeeded to the second interview. She immediately rang and said that she was recruiting a project manager to manage a country park for the Council and also develop future country parks. I applied, was interviewed by the panel and got the job!  I had to work 12 weeks notice and have felt complete trust throughout. I purposefully didn’t work out the commission I’m missing out on, as there was no point. I left a company I was with for 14 years with some amazing people and I left on a high with no tricky situations or negative issues with anyone. I have no idea how my new job will be, but it won’t be anywhere near as stressful as working in Sales for new build properties. I know I wouldn’t have done this had I not put the time in Ascension work. Thank you! I genuinely can’t thank you enough for all the benefits of the portal. I’m so very glad to be doing this! Thank you, thank you, thank you 


I’ve had an amazing day.  In my morning meditation I/Source were one. We simply ‘were’ – simply existing. Every inhale/exhale was Source/me – the respiration of the universe/source – the heartbeat.  The oneness/love/beingness/joy/ ‘isness was/is al there was.  I am crying as I am writing this.  What’s more: whenever I have stopped and taken a conscious breath or two during today I am ‘there’ again – fully. There is simply this feeling/ knowing of being within the heart of Source./ of being Source.  Words do not do justice to this – they seem so inadequate to describe all this.  Than you Niki.

Hope to see you all on Sunday!

