Welcome! Before discussing this week’s topic in the Sunday Healing Circle, this is a reminder that you can still access the free interview with me on the topic of overcoming abandonment issues and low self worth.

Over 30 esteemed therapists, psychologists, relationship experts and more will help you heal your abandonment trauma, cultivate self-worth & take your power back on this Overcoming Abandonment & Low Self-Worth event!

Sunday Healing Circle Update


In this week’s Sunday Healing Circle for members of the Ascension Portal, I will cover the number ONE block to Ascension on the planet at this time. I will be sharing my personal experience of working previous ascension schools, channeling and the epidemic of corruption within the spiritual community.

This is crucial information, not to be missed. If you have not already signed up to the Ascension Portal – go here.

What People Are Saying

Remarkable Personal Freedom, Transformation & Spiritual Growth

As part of Niki’s first Intensive Ascension Group during the past year, so much has transformed for me personally – with the most obvious being incredible healing of past generational traumas, and newfound unexpected levels of spiritual growth & personal empowerment. Both my husband and I are part of this group, and I’ve had the privilege not only to observe my own transformation, but that of my husband – and the whole group!  Personally, I have cleared incredible amounts of old traumas.  When I re-read old journal entries, there is no sting anymore. Yawn. It’s boring to read. I’m free.  Not to say I didn’t avoid bumpy travels navigating through clearing things out as they surfaced, or that there isn’t more to clear; yet it’s fast moving now, and there’s a beautiful freedom when huge chunks of old programming just drop away and you know you are well on your way.  On a healing journey in great earnest the past 5+ years, I’ve always wondered when I’d get to that tipping point where life would flow easier with the momentum of transformational changes. Unequivocally, the “tipping point” on my journey of healing and transformation proved to be this Intensive Ascension Group led by Niki. Personal & spiritual discernment has expanded beyond my expectations, and my heart is filled with immense gratitude.  So many unbelievable synchronicities and connections have occurred, and I’m sensing such a wealth of support “behind the scenes.”  I could write a novel about it all, as I’m sure everyone in the initial group could as well, but today, I keep it to one paragraph.  Any amount of commitment put into this Ascension group will most certainly return a 1000-fold and more!!! Thank you Niki! 

Christine Deppe

Consumer Insights Business Consultant; Personal Development Writer & Coach